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Pictures of Brine Shrimp
This will help show what they look like and some cute cartoons too

To the Left: Nauplii
Nauplii are the first stage of the brine shrimp's life it is where they first hatch they are the "BABIES"
Brine Shrimp animation
(Left) Brine Shrimp CYSTS
Brine Shrimp cysts are basically eggs that brine shrimp produce for their offspring to hibernate in until the conditions of wheather water temp and salinity become just right for them to hatch so they may begin maturing again... they can stay in there for decades
(RIGHT) Brine Shrimp Hatching
This is a really neat image displying how the shrimp hatching from the cyst... but even better it also shows an adult
You can see hundreds of brine shrimp cysts at once... HOW? Because they are microscopic the end of your pinky would hold up to a few thousand if not a million
The name sea monkey was a nick name given to brine shrimp for commercial use to sell the animals as pets, they where also given this nickname because their appendages make them appear alien like while their swimming styles change through life they are also very energetic
LEFT- Adult Female Artemia (brine shrimp) pregnant
The yellow squiggly part of the brine shrimp's body displys her digestive tract while the tip sticking out of the body with circle inside is where she is carrying either cysts or babys~ depending on whether the conditions are appropriate she may hatch live babies